In the words of Simon Sinek, the famous world-renowned speaker, teacher, and amazing influencer who says always “Start with Our Why” This is where i begin mine!
I was inspired to found Professional Resources Consultancy based around one of my values; the sharing of experience to enable others and i have grown and developed a client base around 3 core business practices. Sales Training, Coaching and Mentoring.
When the 2020 Coronavirus hit I found myself like many others working from home and re-evaluating life and how exactly PRC could enrich the services offered and develop on the sharing of experience. I extended my own learning and became qualified as an NLP Practitioner and a Hypnotherapist and soon realised that the time had finally come to fulfil a vow from years ago to help and support others with matters which could lead to places of struggle. To enable people to find the courage to help themselves allowing them to reset and re-engage with life.
Mindset Matter at PRC evolved
I am able to share some of my own life journey and the inspiration which led me to actions. Why …because I was inspired and motivated to do so……
Amid the wonderful experiences I have encountered during my own career in sales, I, like most of us, have also encompassed difficult situations and mental challenges that have stretched and strained my emotional boundaries too. One of the most resounding and echoing of these was the loss of my wonderful and only brother David from suicide.
Years ago, in our time of struggle, awareness of issues surrounding Mental Health was low, the subject of fears, phobias, anxieties and stress were almost subjects that were taboo, hidden and not discussed. It was and still is to a certain extent particularly difficult for men. In addition to this there was precious little available help, treatment and support when David’s struggle began.
I have always had a passion for the working mind, for trying to understand the patterns of thought and the reasons we take certain actions why we make certain decisions and the knock-on effects of our behaviours, what we do or don’t do.
After experiencing the most harrowing and painful journey of a suicide I vowed that I would do something when the time was right to help and support others in places of struggle. I have sometimes felt disappointed in myself that I hadn’t…… until the launch of Mindset Matters at PRC.
Realism meant that David was not just my only sibling for 35 years, he was my friend and soul mate, so his loss left such an enormous hole in life and I never accounted for the effects of grief, and the long and painful journey just to reach some kind of acceptance.
At the time my role became that of support to my parents and the two gorgeous children he left behind, and without particularly planning to I threw myself into my work and my career evolved. It is now that I extend the sharing of experience from a business perspective, upon which PRC was founded, into additional support for PEOPLE.
Mindset really does Matter and makes all the difference. We are only ever one thought away from a different experience .